Tuesday, June 15, 2010

big kids

On occasion I expand past my preference of little ones and shoot those that are my size. This past weekend i did just that. Shooting model portfolios is fun and a bit of a challenge which is what i strive for. Who wants work to be easy? Where's the fun in that?

So here are a few shots of the ladies that helped fill my Saturday. I left exhausted, sweaty and a little sunburned but satisfied nonetheless. Thanks ladies for your hard work and enthusiasm.

Monday, June 7, 2010

a little Bunn

His name is Jordan Bunn and he wasn't feeling very well this day. Allergies, poor baby. But he and daddy Jeff where good sports and posed politely for my camera. I've been fortunate to have several shoots and a bit of playtime with the little mister and his mommy Amber and daddy Jeff. So cute. Mr. Jordan is going to grow in to one little heart breaker. But for now, we wait and watch. They grow so fast.

Til the next time, here is a taste of my favorite Bunn.

the gorman's play date

I had the complete pleasure of skipping school with mr. sonny quinn. He and I got to play in the perfect expanse of mom and dad's back yard. A little boys dream play place. Jumping on the trampoline to searching for bugs to playing with the hose with baby brother River and mom, Breezy. what a lovely day had by all. These two little boys have so much energy, the kind you want to bottle and keep on the shelf for when you need it.

The chalk lines have since faded but the memories and images will forever stay. Thank you to the Gorman's for the perfect play date.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

a taste

welcome to the start of my blog. i have a passion for photography and children, and together the two loves meet here. of all the munckins that will grace this blog, the most prevalent and gushed about will be my niece Julianna Marie. the love of my life. meet my favorite baby in all of her cuteness and edible innocence.